Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Truth.

I've know for quite sometime that I wasn't a very happy person. I have to admit, I was a little bit in denial just how bad it was. Writing these list, I realized that there has been such a significant change in my life since I reached my lowest point 4 years ago. But I also realized all the things about myself that make me unhappy. All this time I blamed it on other people, but in reality, it's not that people don't like me; It's that I don't like myself. I'm not just an emotional teenager looking for attention, I'm not just over dramatic, I'm not looking for sympathy. I'm looking for change. I'm looking to better myself.

Things that make me happy:

  • Photography. I love taking pictures.
  • Walks where I can just think.
  • My boyfriend Steven.
  • food.
  • TRUE friends.
  • Animals.
  • My ability to make others smile.
  • Music.
  • Football.

Things that make me unhappy:

  • Fights.
  • Counseling.
  • My health. (mental, physical)
  • My ability to procrastinate.
  • Me.
  • Being so gullible. 
  • "I miss my boyfriend/girlfriend after one day" Couples
  • Ignorance.
  • "Touchy" people.
  • Being so sensitive.
  • Rudeness
While making these list, I managed to make a third list that makes be both happy and unhappy: 

  • Army. 
  • College.
  • Holidays.
  • Family.
  • School.
I don't want to be unhappy. I don't want to feel like this anymore. I want to be the Taylor that smiled all the time, REALLY smiled. The Taylor that knew who she was as a person. The Taylor people didn't talk about all the time for her relationship. The Taylor everyone loved. I'm going to find her. Someday, somehow. I will.

1 comment:

  1. I love the last paragraph here, and I really like how you made a list that has both happy and unhappy things, rather than including both on both lists... pretty cool. :)
