Wednesday, December 19, 2012

This is Just the Beginning


At First, I wasn't really looking forward to writing all these blogs. I'm not really one to write out what makes me happy and unhappy, because if I had the choice, I wouldn't think about it. But there was something about this project that made me change my views of things. It kind of made me reconsider some things in my life. 

I can't tell you I'm so much happier than I was before, because I'm not. But I am happier. I've realized I deserve to be happy. Sure I'm not the best student, or girlfriend, or daughter or friend, but I am trying. Trying is all I can do.

I've made goals for myself:
  • Keep negative thoughts away
  • Treat my friends better.
  • Keep my mind focused on school.
  • Don't stress myself out too much.
  • Remember I'm not alone.
I'm determined to make my life better for myself. I can get there, it's just going to take some motivation. The day will come where I can look at myself and say, "You're strong, you can get through anything". Until that day, I just have to take it slow.

It's amazing what we can discover just by looking deeper into ourselves. It's been fun. Quite an adventure actually. 

Tiny Tots, over and out. 

(Ok, that was lame >.<)

1 comment:

  1. I like your final thoughts here... while I don't know that any of this can make anyone actually happier, it definitely can make you (or me, whoever) conscious of little things that can change the amount of happiness at any given time... I don't know, but I'm glad you got something out of it.

    You're one post short... but I did not notice any cliches... and you almost always had a structure... so 132/150 B. :)
